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HIV, dyslipidemias and perspectives of its evolution

VIH, dislipidemias y perspectivas de su evolución

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Mendieta Zerón, H., Montenegro Cárdenas, A., Vargas Hernández, J. A., & Hinojosa Juárez, A. C. (2019). HIV, dyslipidemias and perspectives of its evolution. NOVA, 17(32), 83-93.


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With the advent of antiretroviral therapy (ART), infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has become a chronic disease with major metabolic complications more pronounced than in the general population. While there is no vaccine to eradicate infection rates and there is no cure for this pandemic, it should be more incisive in controlling comorbidities, among which alterations in the lipid profile stand out as they increase cardiovascular risk.

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