Present anaerobic bacteria in gingival sulcus of patients with fixed partial dentures
Bacterias anaerobias presentes en surco gingival de pacientes con prótesis parcial fija
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Recently, the biological aspects of fixed reconstructions have been given attention because dental materials have great capacity to accumulate and retain plaque. The microflora at both tooth and fixed partial prostheses can be identified as biofilms, which are composed of microcolonies of bacterial cells distributed in a shaped matrix. The purpose of this study was to isolate anaerobic bacteria in gingival sulcus from patients during fixed partial denture treatment. 45 samples were analyzed. 30 patients with fixed partial dentures treatment and 15 subjects without partial denture treatment were enrolled in the study. Microbiologic samples were obtained by inserting paper points into the gingival sulcus.
Samples were cultured for anaerobic bacteria on blood agar. The plates were placed into an anaerobic chamber. Later, aerotolerance tests were performed for each different colony. RapID TM ANA II System Remel was used for identification of anaerobes. A total of 12 anaerobic bacteria were observed: 8.33 % gram–negative bacilli, 58.33 % gram-positive bacilli, 0 % Gram-negative cocci, and 33.33 % gram-positive cocci. In the control group none anaerobic bacteria was isolated. Only facultative gram-positive cocci were observed (100%). The results of this study have confirmed that the presence of fixed partial dentures resulted in a change in the composition of the anaerobic microflora of the gingival sulcus, compatible with periodontal disease.
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