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Ethical standards


The social sciences vocation of service demands the academic world the need to publish the results of research carried out in their areas of interest. In that sense Misión Jurídica magazine is aware of the need for its publication to be made with care and attention to the requirements that it entails. This in order to prevent violations of the research ethics and get the parties that take part in the publishing process to observe proper compliance with the rules of ethical conduct that characterize scientific journals. Therefore, to define the responsibilities of the parties involved in the process and establish the procedures to perform in case of misconduct, the Ethical Standards of Misión Jurídica magazine are set out below. These standards correspond to parameters identified by the Ethics Committee in Publications -COPE-, WAME and Elsevier to ensure compliance with the guidelines internationally accepted in this area.

Responsibility and duties of the Editor

  • Serve the needs of readers and authors, working with impartiality and justice without any discrimination, considering only the academic and scientific merit based on quality, clarity and relevance of the study in accordance with the mission of the magazine; always protecting the fundamental right to freedom of speech.
  • Ensure compliance with the rules of publication and editorial procedures established by the magazine.
  • Seek constant improvement in the quality, visibility and impact of scientific papers published in the magazine
  • Ensure the quality of material through the use of qualified, expert peer reviewers in the matter investigated.
  • Zealously maintain and preserve documents related to the articles, the revisions and the final product.
  • Establish and follow fair procedures for resolving ethical claims or conflicts of interest, ensuring a fair trial for the perpetrators and complainants to ensure proper investigation and response. Therefore, the editor is willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.

Responsibility and duties of the authors

  • Ensure that the article is an original production and that all the involved (in the case of collective research) have participated in drafting the document, avoiding disputes in the publication once it is approved.
  • Ensure that the article sent is not under review, nor has been accepted for publication in another journal.
  • Deliver articles written with correction, precision and clarity and academically relevant, that present results of scientific research and following the parameters established in the magazine's rules for publication.
  • Properly cite any contribution or academic source that has served as a reference and groundwork for the document. Also to obtain permission, when required, to reproduce any content in the magazine resulting from other sources protected by copyright, including photographs, graphics, etc.
  • The authors are jointly and severally liable for the content of the document, as for its quality, precision and work ethic. While they will be called together to attend to any information, complaint or claim to any part of the document, it will be the author of that contribution who must meet the requirement.
  • The authors are responsible for any violation of the ethical standards of research, such as fabrication, falsification and manipulation of data, plagiarism, fictitious authorship, duplicated, fragmented or inflated publication, self-plagiarism, publication bias, and any other violation known by the magazine.
  • Declare any conflict of interest by sending to the editor of the corresponding format, which is available on the website of the magazine.

Responsibility and duties of the peer Reviewer

  • Perform an objective revision of the document within the time agreed with the publisher, making a professional analysis of the article. Also to provide the necessary concepts for improving its quality, when needed.
  • Ensure confidentiality of the information received, which includes permanently stealth on its participation in the revision of the article, published or not.
  • Express any conflicts of interest that may arise, impede or affect the objective revision of the document.
  • Inform the editor about any ethical violation that may be incurred in the content of the article at the time of the revision.

Responsibilities of the editorial house

The Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca University is committed to the best practices associated with the rules above.

Procedures to dealing with misconduct

Faced with complaint, claim, clarification or any other request due to unethical or inappropriate behaviors of the authors of the magazine (presented by anyone at any time), the procedure will be as follows:

Reception and preliminar investigation

The person reporting the editor about the offense must submit the information and evidence needed to initiate a preliminary investigation that will be conducted by the Editorial Committee who will determine the origin of it listening, if appropriate, to the author or authors of the article in question. If the claim is dismissed the submitter will be communicated of the reasons that sustain the decision, to which he or she may request a reconsideration to the editor, who will make the final decision. If the source is determined, a formal investigation by the editor will be opened.

Formal investigation

The publisher and the legal department of the Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca University will advise the editor. They will analyze the evidence gathered and take the measures that could take place as follows: Minor infractions: those caused by formal error or unintentional omission of the author and that can hold immediate correction.  The author or evaluator will accompany the process to respond, correct and explain what is deemed necessary. Major infractions: inappropriate behavior considered serious, such as fabrication, falsification and manipulation of data, plagiarism, fictitious authorship, duplicated, fragmented or inflated publication, self- plagiarism, publication bias, conflict of interest and any other that the editor and his advisers determine within the framework of international ethical standards.

Procedures available to the editor:

The editor will be able to perform the following procedures according to the seriousness of the offense:

  • Communicate with the author or reviewer of the request, complaint or grievance.
  • Request for clarification, response or correction based on the results of the investigation.
  • Publish on the website an open statement where misconduct is exposed.
  • Publish an editorial that addresses the misconduct.
  • Removal of the publication from the magazine, as well as from the indexing and abstracting services.
  • Report to a professional organization or higher authority.
Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |