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The concept of sexual privacy in the jurisprudence of the colombian Constitutional court

Noción de intimidad sexual desde la jurisprudencia de la corte constitucional colombiana

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How to Cite
Fula López, A. (2019). The concept of sexual privacy in the jurisprudence of the colombian Constitutional court. Misión Jurídica, 12(16), 313-323.



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Alexander Fula López

    To find elements for a real understanding of Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Colombian jails analytical tools are necessary to begin to disentangle the discussion on the category of Intimacy that in the Colombian Contitutional Court is noted as essential in the preservation of the dignity of individuals deprived of liberty. From the study of this notion the first notions of the rights that are being analysed can be pointed out; this article is an attempt to reveal that the tensions on the assurance of this type of rights develop because of the lack of a clear theory on the matter and a disposition to work on the posibility that the particularities make possible the construction of conditions that make the exercise of Sexual and Reprodutive Rights in Colombia feasible.

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