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The oral civil procedure in colombia

El proceso civil oral en colombia

Artículos originales nacionales

How to Cite
Peláez Hernández, R. A. (2019). The oral civil procedure in colombia. Misión Jurídica, 12(16), 249-262.



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Ramón Antonio Peláez Hernández

    One of the criticisms that has been made of the way in which the Civil Procedure is structured has been the exaggerated arreas  that  characterizes it, among other things, determined by the exaggerated use of writing.

    In this sense, it has been likewise affirmed that these type of delays impinge on a negative way in the aspirations of the parties to obtain a decision positive for their interests, since the effective judicial protection has to comply with the urgency expected of it with regard to the resolution of the conflict, insofar the reasonable duration of the process has to be consistent with the fundamental right of access to justice.

    Well, to accomplish the desired prompt process procedural reforms have been adopted focused on synchronizing the Civil Procedure with the new reality, and in Colombia this has become evident through the insertion of orality as a principle governor of action by means of a model by hearings with a marked tendency to orality.

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