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The command responsibility in the peace agreement and in the internal regulations of implementation

La responsabilidad de mando en el Acuerdo de paz y en la normativa interna De implementación

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Sierra Torres, Y. L. (2019). The command responsibility in the peace agreement and in the internal regulations of implementation. Misión Jurídica, 12(16), 217-234.



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Yury Lineth Sierra Torres

    In  this  article  an  overview   on   the   figure of command responsibility is given from the  Final Peace Agreement and the regulations that have been implemented in the Colombian legal system. The objective of this article is to show how the regulation of this figure has developed with pre-existing gaps and the concern that  it  has caused on the subject through civil society, scholars, international organizations; even the International  Criminal  Court,  also  revealing that the initial regulation of the Agreement has consolidated in the internal regulations, ignoring the warnings of regulatory gaps that had been noticed on this matter.

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