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Regarding non-profit joint ventures and the paradigm of their assets

A propósito de las corporaciones sin ánimo de lucro mixtas y el paradigma de su patrimonio

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Cely Ramos, L. A. (2017). Regarding non-profit joint ventures and the paradigm of their assets. Misión Jurídica, 11(15), 303-320.



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Luisa Adriana Cely Ramos

    Public initiatives for the development of new projects or simply for the proper functioning of the State have required the implementation of some of the figures of private law, which have proven to be more consistent with the objectives pursued, therefore, the law 489 1998, the Colombian legislature foresaw the possibility of creating non-profit entities, especially the Joint Corporations as a medium of collaboration between the public and private sector. However, there are points of intersection in the development of joint institutions, when establishing and paying the contributions that affect the institution of the Corporation and for that matter its heritage, public resources radiate so that they seem to mark the guideline to follow in an institution that by its nature and conception is purely private. Therefore, this article analyzes the influence of the public regime on the patrimony of the Mixed Corporations using the descriptive method in a qualitative and analytical framework, with respect to the theoretical, historical, jurisprudential and normative referents, showing the reader the problematic presented due to the duality of the origin of resources.

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