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The present essay in its first part shows succinctly how since the country’s origins there have been irregular armed movements as a consequence of the endemic violence that Colombia has faced since its Independence, and the transformations that these have had in their history, until becoming guerrillas whose objective was oriented toward the seizure of power by means of arms, before assuming the negotiations that led to their demobilization. Similarly, the evolution of the criminal organizations called BACRIMs, referred to a derivation of the self-defense groups that were later transformed into paramilitaries, after the processes adopted in the “Justice and Peace Law” of 2006, which facilitated their demobilization and their legal and political bases that gave rise to them and favored their development, enabling them to become armed movements participating in the Colombian internal conflict, insofar as they disputed local and regional power, confronting guerrilla organizations militarily while simultaneously exercising the criminal conduct that underlies their criminal reason for being.
In this context, these organizations, fighting in parallel with the State against the subversive movements, who came to consider their actions with a political purpose, they are analyzed from the perspective of possible agents who could be subjects of International Humanitarian Law (DIH), as armed groups generating and participating in internal armed conflicts (CANI), seeking to establish and define whether they meet the verification parameters, according to what is established by The International Committee of the Red Cross (CICR), and the political and legal consequences of such assessment.
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