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Tensions Between the Judiciary and the Executive Branch in the Issuance of Unnamed Cautionary Actions Against Government Agencies: A Comparative Analysis Between Latin America and Continental Europe

La tensión entre el poder judicial y el poder ejecutivo en la emisión de medidas cautelares innominadas en contra de entidades gubernamentales: un análisis comparativo entre América Latina y Europa continental

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How to Cite
Guerrero, A. F. (2024). Tensions Between the Judiciary and the Executive Branch in the Issuance of Unnamed Cautionary Actions Against Government Agencies: A Comparative Analysis Between Latin America and Continental Europe. Misión Jurídica, 17(26), 233-245.

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Andrés Fernando Guerrero

    Andrés Fernando Guerrero,

    Abogado Especialista en Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social de la Universidad Católica de Colombia, Magister en Derecho Procesal de la universidad Libre de Colombia, Doctor en Filosofía (PHD) en derecho de La Sociedad de Altos Estudios Jurídicos Euroamericanos de España, Doctorando en Derecho Universidad Santo Tomas De Colombia, sede Bogotá. ORCID: Correo electrónico

    The tension between the judicial power ('jurisdictio') and the executive power ('gubernaculum') has long been a contentious issue in the context of issuing unnamed cautionary actions against governmental agencies (Ríos Álvarez, 2015; Tridimas, 2006). This article explores the contrasting approaches to this tension in Latin America and Continental Europe, analyzing the legal and historical foundations, as well as the principles of separation of powers, judicial independence, and individual rights protection within each legal tradition (Cappelletti, 1989; Tridimas, 2006). Historically, Latin American jurisprudence tended to prioritize the protection of governmental prerogatives, hindering the imposition of temporary cautionary measures on the State (Ferrer Mac-Gregor, 2011; Courtis, 2008). Conversely, Continental Europe has seen a more robust evolution of effective judicial control over arbitrary administrative actions, including the development of innovative temporary measures (Caranta, 2018; Tridimas, 2006). Through a comparative analysis, supported by an extensive review of case law, legal frameworks, and academic literature (Guerrero, 2023; Ferrer Mac-Gregor, 2011; Courtis, 2008), this study identifies potential models from European jurisprudence that could facilitate a more balanced interaction between judicial and administrative authorities in the protection of rights in Latin America.

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