Law as Nomos Versus Law as Thesis in a Scenario of discursive Discontinuity Based on Friedrich A. Hayek. From the possibility of a discursive discontinuity thesis alternative to Hayek
El derecho como nomos y como tesis en un escenario de discontinuidad discursiva según Friedrich A. Hayek. Desde la posibilidad de una tesis de discontinuidad discursiva alternativa a Hayek
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This investigation seeks to verify the possibility of presenting the counterpoint enhanced by Hayek as a strong version of the so-called discontinuity thesis. In order to answer this question, one of his main works was visited: ‘Volume I of Law, Legislation and Liberty’, exploring his discursive discontinuity thesis in Law, based from his concept of Nomos and Thesis, where he sustains a theoretical model that suggests a spontaneous social order from the process of evolution of society, in which he places the judge as sufficient to make and apply laws, to the detriment of the principle of separation of the powers, insofar as he defends what he calls the transfer of powers.
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