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Understanding Dworkin in light of the American legal system

Entendiendo a Dworkin a la luz del sistema legal norteamericano

Artículos originales nacionales

How to Cite
Monroy Rodríguez, A. (2023). Understanding Dworkin in light of the American legal system. Misión Jurídica, 16(25), 245-275.



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Alexander Monroy Rodríguez

    This article is an update and focus, coming from extensive doctoral work, whose purpose was to determine and clarify the political, legal, and philosophical conditions and assumptions to consider the hypothesis of the correct answer in law feasible. In this sense, this document will address an elementary itinerary through the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition of North America. Next, significant cases of the North American Supreme Court will be presented for the context of the Dworkinian analysis, in order to analyze the perspective of our author around the judicial decision, therefore, in a brief way, the general aspects of the North American legal system will be exhibited, together with the shifts between progressivism and conservatism. Finally, an analysis of the judicial decision from Dworkin will be presented.

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