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The ethical and legal perspective of Artificial Intelligence in Mexico

La perspectiva ética y jurídica de la Inteligencia Artificial en México

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Corona Nakamura, L. A., & González Madrigal, J. A. (2023). The ethical and legal perspective of Artificial Intelligence in Mexico. Misión Jurídica, 16(25), 199-214.



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Luis Antonio Corona Nakamura
    Joseline Adriana González Madrigal

      Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming the field of law in Mexico and poses a series of significant ethical challenges. These challenges stem from the ability to analyze large amounts of data, make autonomous decisions, and perform tasks that were previously performed by humans. The importance of the ethical aspects of use in the field of Law lies in guaranteeing justice, equity and transparency in the legal system. Establishing ethical limits of artificial intelligence for legal research in Mexico is essential because it guarantees a fair, impartial and reliable investigation. These ethical limits help to avoid bias, protect privacy, promote transparency, maintain responsibility and human dignity in the research process. Emphasizing respect for ethics and human rights, encourage participation, establish a legal framework and adequate regulations, as well as carry out continuous evaluation. By addressing these aspects, the potential of artificial intelligence can be harnessed to improve the legal environment in Mexico.

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