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The federal government's failed electricity reform and blatant violations of Chapter 14 of T-MEC

La fallida reforma eléctrica del gobierno federal y las violaciones flagrantes al capítulo 14 del T-MEC

Artículos originales internacionales

How to Cite
Vázquez Avedillo, J. F. (2023). The federal government’s failed electricity reform and blatant violations of Chapter 14 of T-MEC. Misión Jurídica, 16(25), 15-162.



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José Fernando Vázquez Avedillo

    The Free Trade Agreement signed between Canada, the United States and Mexico, signed on November 30, 2018, is an international instrument that makes it possible to attract foreign investment for Mexico, a circumstance that translates into the promotion of economic growth and development. This new trade agreement implies compliance with a series of specific rules in order to generate certainty, however, the failed electricity reform proposed by the Mexican government, disrupted such international treaty, particularly in relation to investments that since the 2013 electricity reform have been accumulating in the country, a circumstance that would particularly end up violating the rights of environmental protection as well as competition and free concurrence protected by the Constitution. In essence, this is a work that through the inductive method and a qualitative research approach, will compare Chapter 14 of the T-MEC with the alleged electricity reform proposed by the Executive Branch, and where it will show the lack of legal vision in the development of an initiative that clearly violated human rights and would have significantly affected Mexico's trade relations with the United States and Canada, but also with many other countries with similar investments in the domestic market.

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