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Theoretical-critical approaches to hermeneutics

Aproximaciones teórico-prácticas a la hermeneútica

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Pineda, E. (2023). Theoretical-critical approaches to hermeneutics. Misión Jurídica, 16(25), 127-149.



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Esther Pineda

    The present investigation carries out an analysis of a documentary and socio-historical nature of hermeneutics. Its ontological character is exposed in which the hermeneutic exercise is made visible as an investigative exercise, that is, of inquiry and disclosure of the possibilities of knowledge and mechanisms of access to the truth, which will depend on the historical moment in which it unfolds and the dominant paradigm defined in a given period. In this context, this article is presented as an effort to review and deepen the different theoretical currents and exponents of the discipline to make visible the stages through which hermeneutics has passed; in this, it was possible to specifically identify a theological stage that included a pagan-polytheistic phase and a Christian-monotheistic phase; followed by a second stage of hermeneutics that can be considered philosophical, which included five phases: a legal, philological, romantic, historicist and contemporary hermeneutics; the latter, still the subject of debate today, but in which listening and suspicion prevail from a Ricoeurtian perspective as the bet par excellence in the process of epistemic and knowing approximation.

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