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The workers' issue and its impact on the first labor legislation in Argentina

La cuestión obrera el su impacto en la primera legislación laboral en Argentina

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How to Cite
Hermida, M. J. (2023). The workers’ issue and its impact on the first labor legislation in Argentina. Misión Jurídica, 16(25), 97-111.



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Martín Javier Hermida

    The article attempts to relate the Argentine socio-historical context, at the beginning of the 20th century, with the emergence of the first local labor legislation. It describes the impact on the labor movement of the change in the Argentine economic dynamics at the beginning of the 20th century and, the consequent radicalization of certain tendencies within it. In this sense, it analyzes the National Labor Law project of Joaquín V. González and the role of the different political actors that explain, in part, its failure. As a corollary, the paper emphasizes that, in a scenario plagued by social disputes and with workers at the center of the scene, the State opted for some legal tools to channel the conflict and sustain its hegemony. In this framework, due to its character and functions as guarantor of social domination, the State has to legislate and channel the form taken by social dynamics, so as to allow the reproduction of the system. The paper is thus framed within a strand of the sociology of law which holds that the social relations of production constitute the ultimate cause of the norms.

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