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The particularities of the right to information in highly technified societies

Las particularidades del derecho a la información en sociedades altamente tecnificadas

Artículos originales internacionales

How to Cite
Hüning Pazinato, L. F., & Fontana, I. A. (2023). The particularities of the right to information in highly technified societies. Misión Jurídica, 16(25), 83-96.



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Liane Francisca Hüning Pazinato
    Ignacio Alfredo Fontana

      The intense technological development in areas of information and communication fostered by new international actors has had a great impact on the behavioral habits of society. From this understanding, the emergence of a new social conformation is glimpsed that responds to principles substantially different from those that governed not long ago. This paper aims to show that technological evolution responds in many cases to the sectarian interests of the dominant groups that promote them, a fact that favors social fragmentation and political conflict, generating fertile ground for the spread of fake news. The research methods used to address the subject will be qualitative, documentary, and bibliographic. In conclusion, it is understood that technological evolution demands new approaches to social conflicts that are not completely new, but that today take another facet. To this end, it is necessary to review some classical concepts – such as sovereignty – and adopt it in a more flexible understanding that allows a cooperative association between the States for the implementation of formal and material political actions aimed at providing an adequate resolution of conflicts, which responds to the needs expressed in the current context.

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