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The psychological autopsy in Spain, a criminal investigation tool processualis iter dux

La autopsia psicológica en España una herramienta de investigación criminal

Artículos originales internacionales

How to Cite
Granado Pachón, S. J. (2023). The psychological autopsy in Spain, a criminal investigation tool processualis iter dux. Misión Jurídica, 16(25), 45-62.



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Santiago Javier Granado Pachón

    His study aims to bring the concept of psychological autopsy closer to the Spanish legal practitioner. The aim is to emphasise its usefulness for the development of the criminal investigation when the physical findings that can be found at the crime scene or on a corpse do not allow a conclusion to be drawn about the "manner of death", be it suicide, homicide or accidental, without prejudice to highlighting its difficulties of evidential assessment to overcome the presumption of innocence when it does not concur with other material evidence, and which certainly does not detract from its effectiveness in that its correct application can provide "a change of direction" of the investigation. Historical aspects are provided, as well as basic aspects that must be taken into account for its understanding, up to the analysis of cases where the effectiveness of the Psychological Autopsy in criminal investigation can be observed.

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