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'Modernity' and 'Capitalism' as determining categories in the transformation of the philosophical nature of the ejido in Mexico

La ‘Modernidad’ y el ‘Capitalismo’ como categorías determinantes en la transformación de la naturaleza filosófica del ejido en México

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How to Cite
Ramos Vera, R. O., & Vázquez Avedillo, J. F. (2023). ’Modernity’ and ’Capitalism’ as determining categories in the transformation of the philosophical nature of the ejido in Mexico. Misión Jurídica, 16(24), 231-248.



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Rodrigo Octavio Ramos Vera
    José Fernando Vázquez Avedillo

      This work focuses, mainly, on establishing the main figure of tenure and agrarian exploitation in Mexico, called ejido, underwent a radical transformation as a result of the last great constitutional reform in agrarian matters that occurred in the year 1992. Which had as consequence that this agrarian figure suffered a change not only legal but philosophical. By changing its purpose and its social and vindictive essence, where the categories of Modernity and Capitalism had an importance in terms of the mutation of the agrarian paradigm in the country. This was done in order to fully identify the figure of the ejido to explain its current situation and find the causes of its stagnation and decline in the panorama of agricultural production and quality of life of the ejidatarios in Mexico. Allowing to understand how from the establishment of the ejido, this was an imposed figure in the country, to later suffer its great legal and philosophical transformation, which has as a consequence the current situation that exists in the ejidos in Mexico.

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