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Feminicide in Mexico: the obligation to combat it and the Strict Liability of the Federal Executive Branch and the State Governments

El feminicidio en México: la obligación de combatirlo y la responsabilidad objetiva del poder ejecutivo federal y de los gobiernos estatales

Artículos originales internacionales

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Brito, X. (2021). Feminicide in Mexico: the obligation to combat it and the Strict Liability of the Federal Executive Branch and the State Governments. Misión Jurídica, 14(21).



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Xelha Brito

    Faced with the constant increase in feminicide violence, the Mexican State is obliged to vigorously implement all the necessary measures to fight this criminal phenomenon. One of the main demands lies in the lack of concrete information for the design of adequate public policies. At his juncture, the purpose of this article is to indicate the obligations that the state and federal governments have, such as: 1) to provide and collect useful information regarding the systematized and interpretable crime incidence and 2) to design with the gathered information suitable public policies to combat gender violence and its most serious expression: feminicide. Taking Human Rights as the frame of reference in this study, we start from the current context suffered by women in Mexico with official figures presented by national and international public entities. Subsequently, the conventional obligations of the Mexican State are developed, as well as the constitutional ones, which address all the authorities at all levels of government. Finally, the duties of coordination and assistance in matters of public security between the federal government and the federal entities are outlined. Considering the mentioned references, this research concludes that the breach of these obligations derives in objective responsibilities, for damages that result in human rights violations and persistent and irreparable attacks against the dignity of women, girls and adolescents.

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