The functioning of the Inter-American Human Rights System in times of pandemic: management, effectiveness and international context
El funcionamiento del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos en tiempos de pandemia: gestión, eficacia y contexto internacional
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The article aims to assess the functioning of the Inter-American Human Rights System based on the effective observance, promotion and protection of human rights, in the face of the health crisis in the region due to the new Coronavirus pandemic. The historical-theoretical references that underpin the system are systematized, emphasizing on its strengthening process and repercussion in Latin America, the internal functioning of the system is analyzed from the legal-doctrinal point of view, in addition to its management and effectiveness in the protection of rights in the context of the international pandemic. Among the results obtained, it is found that, despite the system’s efforts to reduce the effects of the pandemic through Resolution No.1 / 2020 of its Commission and Declaration No.1 / 2020 of the Court, to date the violations of rights due to the rise in poverty and inequality have been unavoidable, given the collapse of the region's economic performance.
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