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Reflections of the influence of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language in the law theories of Kelsen, Ross, Hart and Dworkin

Reflejos de la influencia de la filosofía del lenguaje de Ludwig Wittgenstein en las teorías del Derecho en Kelsen, Ross, Hart y Dworkin

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How to Cite
Sólon Rudá, A. (2020). Reflections of the influence of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language in the law theories of Kelsen, Ross, Hart and Dworkin. Misión Jurídica, 13(19), 1-40.



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Antonio Sólon Rudá

    This article, by using bibliographical methodology focuses on the main works of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language: Tractatus Lógico-Philosophicus and philosophical research to analyze its influence on the central theories of the most important legal authors in the XX century and at the begining of this century, such as Kelsen, Hart, Ross and Dworkin with the purpose of it becoming the starting point for an alternative way of conceptualizing Law, considering it as the meaning of its use in the society that applies it.

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