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The construction of the Other in the discourse of Colombian Constitutions: A struggle for the recognition and responsibility against the Other

La construcción del Otro en el discurso de las constituciones colombianas: Una lucha por el reconocimiento y la responsabilidad frente al Otro

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Paz Rentería, J. (2019). The construction of the Other in the discourse of Colombian Constitutions: A struggle for the recognition and responsibility against the Other. Misión Jurídica, 12(17).



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Jafeth Paz Rentería

    Jafeth Paz Rentería

    Magister en Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad del Rosario. Especialista en Derecho Laboral y Seguridad Social de la Corporación Universitaria Republicana. Abogado graduado con honores de Uniciencia. Periodista de la Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores y Licenciado en Teología de la Fundación Universitaria San Alfonso. Docente del departamento de derecho de la Universidad Central y en posgrados de la Universidad La Gran Colombia. Estudios de doctorado en Filosofía en la Pontificia Universidad Bolivariana.

    In this article, a journey is made of the struggle for the recognition of the Other in the discourse of the Colombian constitutions, in a historical stage characterized by the direct conceptual capture of the State, which is derived in the constitutional devices and other materials of the ordering Legal functions from the logic of exclusion.

    Thus, this construction process also had structuring elements such as inferiorization, invisibility, reification and instrumentalization. However, starting in 1991 with the project of an open and pluralistic society, the construction of a new Other was undertaken, at least formally, from solidarity, human dignity and responsibility. But from that moment on, this constitutional ideal has faced the disagreements, tensions and contradictions against the political patterns that had been already installed in the social system since the previous constitutional regime.

    Given this context, the challenge of the philosophy of responsibility of Emmanuel Levinas can mark an ethical horizon that serves to deconstruct the diverse expressions of the logic of exclusion and the instruments that are continuously reproduced in collective imaginaries.


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