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POSSESSION Critical analysis of a false institution

La posesión. Análisis crítico de una falsa institución

Artículos originales internacionales

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del Moral Barilari, J. (2019). POSSESSION Critical analysis of a false institution. Misión Jurídica, 12(17).



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J.L del Moral Barilari

    J.L del Moral Barilari

    Abogado y Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad Católica de Valencia. Sus 20 años de ejercicio profesional se han centrado fundamentalmente en el Derecho Civil y Marítimo, habiendo sido durante una década Vicepresidente de la Asociación Española de Derecho Marítimo y siendo en la actualidad miembro de la European International Research Advisory Council (EIRAC). Europe and Middle East.

    The author of this article argues that possession is an artificial institution, created around the second century AD, when it ceased to be an animus (animus possidendi) merely accompanying a physical performance of control over a thing (tentio) to end up becoming the very performance itself. That animus possidendi only accompanies the performance of a non- owner, since the real owner also exercises a tentio but with animus proficiendi. Finally, he emphasizes the intermediate position of the abovementioned tentio in the evolution of the legal system, halfway between mere physical contact with the thing and substantive legitimacy on it.

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