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The background of the internal security law in Mexico

El trasfondo de la ley de seguridad interior en México

Artículos originales internacionales

How to Cite
Vázquez Avedillo, J. F., Ruiz Canizales, R., & Zúñiga Domínguezc, R. (2019). The background of the internal security law in Mexico. Misión Jurídica, 12(16), 147-162.



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José Fernando Vázquez Avedillo
    Raúl Ruiz Canizales
      Rafael Zúñiga Domínguezc

        The idea of a government in the heart of a country necessarily implies the exercise of power and to obtain it is necessary to have certain elements. Historically the use of the  armed  forces has been the mainstay of many rulers worldwide and Mexico has not been an exception. The publication of the Internal Security Law has been done with the  intention  of  empowering  the president of the republic and from there to mantain governability through the use of the armed forces in public security functions under the disguise of national security, a circumstance that would imply a gross violation of the human rights of the population.

        We can point out that the result that the investigation has shown a pattern of behavior of governors consisting of the use and abuse of armed forces to mantain the democratic governability of the country, the law held in its articles expressions that gave extraordinary powers to the head of the Executive Power, for the purpose of carrying out public security tasks by the use of armed forces for civil issues, condition that has been considered by the National Supreme Court of Justice to declare this law as unconstitutional.

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