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Author Guidelines

Download Instructions for authors


The articles sent to review of the Publishing Committee of Misión Jurídica magazine must be unpublished, thus the ones that have been published in other magazines or technical or scientific publications will not be accepted.

Misión Jurídica magazine admits original articles that follow the guidelines by the Publindex programme of Colciencias and can be of the following types:

1- Article of scientific and technological research: Document that presents in a detailed manner the original results of the investigation projects. The structure contains: title, summary, key words, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, bibliographic references.

2- Reflection article:  Document that presents the results of an investigation from an analytical, interpretative perspective and with a review from the author about a specific subject with first hand sources. The structure contains: title, summary, key words, introduction, methodology, theoretical discussion or content of reflection, conclusion, bibliographic references.

3- Article of review: Document consequence of an investigation where the results of published or unpublished investigations on a specific field are analyzed or integrated with the purpose of giving account in the advances and tendencies development. It is characterized for having a bibliographic support of no less than 50 references. The structure is the same as the article of scientific research.

The author must specify which type of article is sending. Articles in Spanish, Portuguese, English, French and Italian are accepted. If the article is not written in Spanish it should compulsorily have the summary in Spanish, English and the original language.

Acceptance and publication process

The articles on final reports or investigation previews about investigation project’s results taking course or finished are valued by the Publishing Committee of the magazine to be sent to remission of the academic pair -well known referees specialized in the subject- who certify the originality and quality of the documents, taking into account the criteria defined by the Colombian Institute for the Development of Science and Technology “Francisco José de Caldas” –COLCIENCIAS- and also taking into account the guidelines for indexation of scientific journals.

With this evaluation as a basis, which is anonymous, Misión Jurídica magazine can suggest formal changes to the author. The author can commit to make the changes in a week.

Extension and format

The articles sent to the magazine cannot exceed 60 pages letter size, nor have less than 25 with the following format: page in word processor MS-Word, double space with 3 cm margin on the top, 2 cm on the bottom and 2,5 cm in the left and in the right. Type of font: Garamond 12 points.

The nomenclature, in the main titles, must be in arabic numbers and capital letter in the beginning. Subtitles must be in the left margin with capital letter in the beginning, in bold and second level, nomenclature of second level with arabic numbers.

Sections within the subtitles in the left margin, bold, with capital letter in the beginning and nomenclature of third level with arabic numbers. Nomenclature of fourth level will not be used, bullets will be used instead.

The article must be written in third person. APA style is recommended or references should be in a footnote.

Presentation of the article

Title: Describes the content and theme of the article in a clear, succinct way. It must be attractive and with no more than 25 words.

To the title will be added a footnote with an asterisk (*). There the author will establish the type of article he/she is sending. He/she will tell the context in which the investigation took place, establishing the name of the project, institution in which was supported and number of register (if it has). If it is the result of a Master’s or Doctorate degree it must include the academic title chosen and University in which was hosted.

  Example: The UTI POSSIDETIS is an American principle, not European*

*Article of scientific investigation that shows the result of a finished investigation project about the International Treaties of the investigation group “Administrative Law” COL 0070214, Libre University, Cali.

Author: Name of the author and e-mail with reference to a footnote will add a summary of his/her Curriculum Vitae (no more than 8 lines in a footnote) that recounts to the level of study, it will also include institutional affiliation of the author or authors and the name of the entity in which the investigation was developed. If there are two or more authors they will be referred as author a, b, c, etc.


Raul Santacruz Lopez

  1. Lawyer graduated from National University of Colombia, specialist in legal-criminal institutions of the University with Master studies in criminal law, crime science of Externado University of Colombia, with a degree on advanced studies in human rights in Zaragoza University, Spain and candidate to Ph.D. in this University. Penal judge of the knowledge circuit in Bogotá. Research teacher of Antonio Nariño University and main investigator of cross-discipline group Iustitia.

In the same way the author commits to send on a different file a complete CV to save it in the data base as a requirement of COLCIENCIAS.

Summary in Spanish: summary in Spanish of main goals of the investigation, reach (context and location), methodology employed and main results and conclusions. It must be written in third person, be clear, coherent and succinct, of 250 words top without bibliographic references.

Key words in Spanish: They allow to classify and address the entries in the indexation systems and systems of recovery of information. Should be presented a minimum of 6 key words in Spanish and a maximum of 10, they must be relevant and show the content subject.

Abstract: Summary in English.

Key words: Key words in English.

Introduction: It is presented in a clear way by a research question, provides a context for the subject showing precedent of the theme and the consequence of its solution. Has an appropriate justification about the importance of doing the job and explicitly is about: objectives, purposes, activities and hypothesis of the investigation creating a suitable context for the reader. It finishes with a review of the structure the article will have.

Methodology: The methodology applied to the development of the article should be specified, clearly showing the procedure for the analysis or review of the information.

Results (it is not required in the Reflection Articles): Display the most important data collected and detailed enough to back up the conclusions. In this section the new knowledge is reported, to say, the discoveries. It is the result of the research showing the data without interpreting.

Development of the research: Body of the investigation with its parts and nomenclatures. Basically, it is the result of the research that the author subjects to the consideration of the reader.

Conclusions: Reflection by the author based on the results and related to the objectives. They must answer the question of research.

Bibliography: Must be at the end of the article, at least 30 sources that are quoted during the investigation are recommended. The Articles of Review should have at least 50 sources. The bibliographic references should be at the end of the article or in a footnote.

When it refers to a book:

Bandura, A. J. (1997). Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 343-350.

When it refers to an article published in a magazine:

Chamberlin, J. (2008, May). Enhancing worker well-being: Occupational health psychologists convene to share their research on work, stress and health. Monitor on Psychology, 39(5), 26-29.

When it refers to an article published in a newspaper (Opinion Editorials):

Editorial: “What a disaster” and why does this question matter? [Editorial]. (2006). Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 14, 1-2.

When it refers to an article (piece of news) published in a newspaper:

Scwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington Post, pp A1, A4.

Electronic Documents:

Shotton, M.A. (1998). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency. Retrieved from:

Presentation of the Bibliography at the end of the document: Historic legislation (primary sources). First should be written the name of the norm in Garamond, then after a stop, the font, existing 3 options: The first one, a book, the second one a legal gazette or any other normative compilation and the third one an electronic source available on the internet.

In the case of a book, first should be written the name of the guidelines in italics, then the name of the authors in small capitals, followed by the name of the book in italics, then the country, the publishing house and the year of edition. This information separated  by commas.

Note: In the bibliography section the books, articles and papers employed in the article should appear in alphabetical, ascendant order according to the surname. In the bibliographic list the pages quoted are not shown, only the initial and ending pages of the articles of magazines, newspapers or chapters of a collective work (of many authors). It is recommended to put the total number of pages from the books with the purpose of getting an idea of its “weight”, example: XXIII-870 p.


The charts and figures, for example graphics and drawings, schemes, flow charts, pictures and maps must be presented in independent sheets and with consecutive numbering (chart 1, figure 1, etc.). The texts and charts should be presented in the word processor MS-Word, the charts and diagrams of frequency (bars and pie) originals must be provided in the text file and also its original files in MS-Excel; other figures such as photographs on paper and drawings can be sent in the original way or scanned and sent in JPG (or JPEG) digital compression format, preferably with a resolution of 600 x 600 dpi (minimum of 300 dpi), it is preferred the pictures to be sent as slides. As a general norm, the charts and figures are accepted only in black and white.

File sending

To clarify to the authors that the reception of the articles does NOT imply its publication or commitment regards the date of edition.

The articles and curriculum vitae will be received in the following e-mail addresses:

Permanent Call

The invitation to publish of Misión Jurídica magazine is permanent and the publication of the articles will depend on the order of arrival. Our topics are open in relation to the investigations that involve law and social sciences.


Myriam Sepúlveda López, Ph.D.


Orlando Solano Barcenas


Federico Sanchez Riaño

Editorial assistant

Submission Preparation Checklist

Todos los envíos deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos.

  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto tiene un interlineado sencillo, un tamaño fuente de 12 puntos, se utiliza cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL), y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se encuentran colocadas en los lugares del texto apropiados, en vez de al final.
  • El texto reúne las condiciones estilísticas y bibliográficas incluidas en Pautas para el autor/a, en Acerca de la revista.
  • En el caso de enviar el texto a la sección de evaluación por pares, se siguen las instrucciones incluidas en Asegurar una evaluación anónima.

Copyright Notice


Every papper included in the magazine can be reproduced whole or in part, provided that respect for its original content, the source is acknowledged and is used with non-commercial academic. Legal mission and its content is protected under a license Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-SinDerivar 4.0 international.

Licencia Creative Commons
Misión Jurídica is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivar 4.0 International License.
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Permits that go beyond what is covered by this license can be found at

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.



Informes de investigación

Artículos originales internacionales

Artículos originales nacionales

Reseña bibliográfica



Colaboradores internos


Informes de investigación

Artículos originales internos

Notas científicas

Artículo de investigación

Artículo de revisión

Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |